Cat Shit One: The Animated Series

Cat Shit One: The Animated Series

Cat Shit One: The Animated Series est l'histoire de Botasky et Packy, deux lapins commando. Ils ont pour mission de délivrer un otage aux mains de chameaux talibans. C'est donc en plein désert que le sauvetage se déroule de manières violente et périlleuse.

Synopsis soumis par yarashii

Hiroshi Tsuchida (Packy), Satoshi Hino (Botasky), Masashi Nitta (Bowen), Sawaki Akimoto (CP), Kenta Sakai (Militia), Yuki Hirako (Militia)

  • Cat Shit One: The Animated Series - Screenshot #1
  • Cat Shit One: The Animated Series - Screenshot #2
  • Cat Shit One: The Animated Series - Screenshot #3
  • Cat Shit One: The Animated Series - Screenshot #4
  • Cat Shit One: The Animated Series - Screenshot #5
  • Cat Shit One: The Animated Series - Screenshot #6
  • Cat Shit One: The Animated Series - Screenshot #7
  • Cat Shit One: The Animated Series - Screenshot #8

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