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Mangas : gunfight

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Titre Année NbVol. Moy
A Bout portant - Zero In 2004 12 -
Able 2013 1+ -
Alice no Shôsei 2006 4 -
Angel Heart 2001 33 8.4 (5)
Angel Heart - Saison 1 2001 24 -
Angel Heart - Saison 2 2010 14+ -
Area 51 2011 15 -
Armed Girl's Machiavellism 2014 1+ -
Assassination Classroom 2012 21 -
Badass Cop & Dolphin 2020 5 -
Bambi 1998 7 -
Belle Starr 1993 3 -
Black Bullet 2012 4 -
Black Cat 2001 20 7.1 (8)
Black Lagoon 2002 11 6.5 (2)
Black Tiger 2016 2+ -
Blame! 1998 10 8 (8)
Blame! (Edition Deluxe) 1998 6 9 (1)
Blaster Knuckle 1995 3 -
Blue Buck 2003 2 -
Burst Angel 2004 3 -
C-Blossom - Case 729 2005 2 -
Canaan 2009 3 -
Candy & Cigarettes 2017 4+ -
Cat Shit One 1998 4 5 (1)
Cat Shit One '80 2008 3 -
Cat Shit One JP 2011 1 -
City Hunter - Rebirth 2017 3+ -
Cobra, the Space Pirate 1978 20 -
Cobra, The Space Pirate (Edition Originale Deluxe) 1978 3 -
Cobra, The Space Pirate (Edition Ultime) 1978 12 -
Cobra, The Space Pirate - Couleur 1995 17 -
Cyber Blue 1988 3 -
Desert Rose 1989 8 -
Détonations 2015 2 -
Dogs : Bullets & Carnage 2006 10+ -
El Cazador de La Bruja 2007 1 1 (1)
Ex-Arm 2012 12+ -
Ex-Vita 2011 2 -
Gangsta 2010 7+ 9 (1)
Gangsta Cursed 2014 2+ 7 (1)
Ghost In The Shell 1991 5 -
Ghost In The Shell (Perfect Edition) 1991 3 1 (1)
Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex 2009 5+ -
Golden Guy 2020 5+ -
Green Blood 2011 5 -
Gun Frontier 1972 2 -
Gun X Clover 2012 7+ -
Guns Pride 2019 2 -
Gunslinger Girl 2002 15 8.7 (3)
Hellsing 1998 10 6.6 (7)
Hidan no Aria 2009 3+ -
Immortal Hounds 2013 4+ -
Jormungand 2006 11 8 (2)
Kasenjô No Hateruma 2013 6+ -
Mardock Scramble 2009 7 -
Mezzo Danger Service Agency 2004 1 -
Mighty Mothers 2021 2+ -
Mobile Suit Gundam 1979 2 -
No Guns Life 2014 9+ -
Omega J 1997 1 -
Peace Maker 2007 15+ -
Phantom - Requiem for the Phantom 2009 3 -
Phantom Pain 2010 5+ -
Pinsaro Sniper 2018 3 -
Pumpkin Scissors 2002 19+ -
QP Azuma Ryô - Desperado 2014 10+ -
Renjoh Desperado 2015 6 -
Ryuko 2011 2 -
Sabagebu! 2010 4+ -
Seifuku Duty 2013 3 -
Shikabane Hime 2005 23 -
Silencer 2012 4 -
Soul Reviver 2012 3+ -
Stanle 2007 2 -
Strain 1997 5 -
Sword Art Online Alternative - Gun Gale Online 2015 3+ -
Tanya The Evil 2016 7+ -
The Arms Peddler 2010 7+ -
The Bullet Saint 2008 5 -
The Fable 2014 22 -
Tokurei Sochi Dantai Stella Jogakuin Kôtôka C³ Bu 2012 3 -
Tokyo Little Gunners 2009 3 -
Triage X 2009 18+ -
Trigun Maximum 1998 14 -
Un Monde Formidable 2003 2 -
Un Monde Formidable - Intégrale 2003 1 -
Unreal Sundown 2005 1 -
V2 Panzer 1987 1 -
Valkyria Chronicles - Gallian Chronicles 2008 4 -
Valkyria Chronicles - Wish Your Smile 2008 2 -
Warrior 2001 3+ -
Witch Hunter 2006 15+ -
Yellow Heart 2002 3 -
Zig - La terreur Est Inacceptable 2017 1 -
Zombie Powder 1999 4 4.5 (2)
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